Befriending Volunteer

‘Our Neighbourhood’ is a new and exciting partnership between three locally based charities, joining forces to bring something fresh to Scarborough central. Our Neighbourhood has been designed to

*Help prevent, reduce or delay people’s need for statutory social care

*Build resilience of both our communities and residents so that people can live the life they want, where they want, supported by the resources available in their own community

*Build communities, places and spaces which offer people somewhere or someone to turn to when they are facing difficult times, and to support them to find solutions to their challenges 

Main Duties of a Befriending Volunteer

*To provide one to one companionship and support to adults feeling isolated and lonely

*To accompany and provide support and encouragement to people accessing community services or trying out a new hobby/activity

*To be a caring, non-judgemental listener for people who may not have others they feel comfortable talking to

*Help us identify others who might enjoy volunteering and support your clients to start that journey from befriended to befriender

*To stay connected with the organisation and feedback any concerns or worries you may have about your befriendee or your role

Commitment wise, we're looking for what you can give! Ideally matches meet weekly for 1-2 hours but it can also be fortnightly. Meeting times are flexible and we have people who would be happy with support daytime, evening or weekends.

Skills or experience required?:

Who are we looking for?

People who befriend come from all walks of life with a range of interests and personalities…. that’s exactly what’s needed as people seeking support also have a range of interests and personalities! Mostly we need people who:

Have empathy and compassion
Enjoying spending time with others, talking and listening
Are friendly and approachable
Have an understanding of confidentiality
Have good communication skills
Are reliable

You can volunteer with us from age 18 and we will always make every effort to ensure the role is accessible as possible. We are also happy to arrange for you to be a telephone befriender if you are not able to befriend in person.

You will require?: Criminal Record Check (DBS)
Frequency of opportunity: Ongoing
Can this opportunity be home based?: Yes
What are the areas of interest?: Befriending & buddying, Health & wellbeing
Type(s) of cause supported: Carers, Disablity, Local community, Mental health, Older people
Where is the opportunity located?: Scarborough
Includes out of pocket expenses?: Yes
How many hours per week is this opportunity?: 2
You can volunteer for this opportunity at the following times:
