Blind Veterans UK
Can you spare a few hours a week to brighten someone’s day?
We are committed to supporting our blind veterans no matter where they are. By providing regular companionship, social interaction and building a positive one-to-one relationship you can help to reduce the effects of isolation so commonly experienced by our veterans. Your positivity, friendliness and communication can make the world of difference to their day lives.
By popping by once a week or fortnight to see a veteran in their area, home visitors are a friendly face that can make all the difference. A visit could be a simple chat and a cup of tea, helping out with odd jobs around the home that can otherwise be a struggle for our veterans to complete or getting out and about in the local area. You will never be asked to do any personal care.
Volunteers need to be able to travel independently to and from our veteran’s home, a willingness to drive and a car would be of an advantage. All agreed out of pocket expenses such as travel costs will be met by Blind Veterans UK.